Friday, September 18, 2009


On Monday we went to Trav's hometown of Sitka, Alaska. It was sunny and clear when we landed that morning. I could hardly keep myself together, I was so excited to finally get to check it out. It did rain off and on while we were there, but still GORGEOUS nonetheless. We looked for crabs under rocks, visited with his Cooler than the Cosby's family, ran into a friend or two or his, got yelled @ by a crazy homeless man. You know, the usual vacation stuff  :)

We are considering moving up there to be closer to the family. We are trying to figure every way possible to make it work financially. I swear to God a can of green beans cost $3.00. I think we would be catching those crabs we were finding on the beach and eating them for lunch everyday....they were very tiny crabs, mind you.

I really had a blast up there. I would pick to visit there over Las Vegas any day. Never again, Las Vegas, never again. Family like his is priceless. Nothing makes we want to stay so far away from them. Not even the price of EVERYTHING there. Near them is where I want to be. Just figuring out all the details is the task ahead.


  1. April, it sounds like things are going well for you. It is so good to hear. Hopefully one day we will be able to meet Travis and he can meet Sylvia. Sitka? Is Travis' family like the "Kennedy's of Alaska?"

  2. Things are going very well! I am happier than ever. That would be cool for them to meet one another :)
